
NSPCC - Leeds Online Safety Campaign Interview


If you would like more information abouth the campaign, or are interested in hosting an online safety workshop then please contact:


Lord Mayor Abigail Marshall Katung Visits Fever Radio


She is immensely proud to embrace the role and represent the City of Leeds as the first African Lord Mayor.

This year Lord Mayor is supporting the Leeds Community Foundation, she has chosen this charity to raise awareness for a fair and inclusive Leeds.

Coeliac Disease Awareness Month


Cristian Costas a Coeliac Dietitian Talks to Fever Radio about Coeliac Disease.

Depression Recovery Group Using Islam


Using cognitive behavioural therapy techniques and teachings from the Quran and Hadith, you will learn:

- How to improve depression over eight sessions in a group setting.

- To understand the common signs e.g. thougts and feelings of low moods.

- Techniques on improving how we are feeling and what we do to cope.

- How to manage and challenge worrisome thoughts.

For more information visit: 


Talking Therapies Kirklees


NHS talking therapies are a type of help provided by the National Health Service (NHS) where you can talk to someone who is specially trained to listen and understand your feelings, or you can participate in workshops. We are there to support you with your worries or problems by having conversations with you or by offering workshops where you can learn helpful strategies.


Mum Of Murdered Pregnant Daughter Who Was Pushed To Her Death By Husband Speaks Out


Interview with Yasmin Javed the Mother of Fawziyah Javed who was pushed to her death by her husband Kashif Anwar from Arthur's seat in Edinburgh Scotland.

Kashif Anwar, Fawziyah’s husband was convicted and received a minimum sentence of 20 year.

Yasmin Javed, mother of Fawziyah Javed, reveals details of her daughter's tragic murder

Building Confidence & Independence in the Community with Tamanna from Shantona Womens Centre


Shantona offer a unique range of support services focused on empowering women and strengthening families.

Their diverse support services reach out to over 26 different communities, and our experienced team of staff and volunteers are also from a diversity of cultural backgrounds, speaking over 14 different languages between them.

Get in touch with Shantona through their website below:



Just a Bunch of Blokes Having a Chat - Andy's Man Club


Andy Brampton from Andy's Man Club, joins Lokesh to talk about Men and Mental Health, why its important for men to talk, and the phenomenal growth of Andys Man club since it launched in 2016.

Menopause and Lifestyle Medicine. With Dr Olga Morton


Lokesh speaks with Dr Olga Morton who specialises in LifeStyle medicine and Menopause. HRT has been an effective treatment for some, however it seems that Lifestyle medicine is applicable to all women going through pre, peri and menopause itself.

Dr Olga Morton can be reached via her webpage: www.drOlgaMorton.com

British Society of Lifestyle medicine: https://bslm.org.uk/

Plant based Health professionals UK: https://plantbasedhealthprofessionals.com/

Chef AJ meets Lokesh- The Joy, Journey and Jurisprudence of a Whole Food, Plant Exclusive diet. Part 1


A chef, culinary instructor, and professional speaker, she is the author of the popular book Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight,
which chronicles her journey from an obese junk-food vegan faced with a diagnosis of pre-cancerous polyps, to learning how to create foods that nourish and heal the body. 


Chef AJ’s, energy, excitement, experience and knowledge are palpable and clear in this Excellent interview with Lokesh. The benefits and possibilities of a Whole Food Plant Based diet are far reaching and fundamental to retaining and regaining health.

Chef AJ meets Lokesh- The Joy, Journey and Jurisprudence of a Whole Food, Plant Exclusive diet. Part 2


A chef, culinary instructor, and professional speaker, she is the author of the popular book Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight,
which chronicles her journey from an obese junk-food vegan faced with a diagnosis of pre-cancerous polyps, to learning how to create foods that nourish and heal the body. 


Chef AJ’s, energy, excitement, experience and knowledge are palpable and clear in this Excellent interview with Lokesh. The benefits and possibilities of a Whole Food Plant Based diet are far reaching and fundamental to retaining and regaining health.

Making Positive Changes in the Lives of People Affected by Drugs, Alcohol and Mental Health Problems


Saima Afzal (MBE) from SAS Rights, and Beth Thomas, Head of Service - Gambling Harms, talk about the impacts of Drugs, Alcohol, and Mental Health in the community, upon the individual and the support available. Working with Adferiad, who provide a rehabilitation centre along with a host of other services we learn more about the complex nature of Drug and Alcohol Addiction with concurrent Mental Health issues and support that can make all the difference.

Getting a Grip of Diabetes. How DJ Sumaira took back control of Diabetes, 10 years after diagnosis


Sumaira ji explains her Diabetes journey from 2014. How her blood sugars, Hba1c and insulin usage continued to increase. Taking some key tips from the Together We Can program, her insulin usage has decreased, her fasting blood sugars are almost normal and the trend towards health continues.

Forget Me Not Childrens Hospice - Lokesh speaks with Salma Pandor


Salma explains the inner workings of the Hospice, how it differs greatly from Hospitals and is designed to be a home away from home. An insightful interview with Salma who cares passionately about the work the Hospice does, the families they serve and the difference they make.


Be Free From Debt! Debt Advice and Information, with Gail Arkle, from StepChange


Director of Client Experience at StepChange, Gail Arkle, speaks with Lokesh about the debt trap, the immense toll that the Cost of Living crisis is taking on everyday people in the UK and the support, advice and information available to help those struggling with debt.

A Miracle Cure For Migraines?


Listener Simi Arora talks to Lokesh about suffering from Cluster Migraines since being a teenager and how, including one food in her diet after listening to Fever Radio, has almost entirely eliminated the onset and pain of Cluster Migraines.

(LIFESTYLE) Dr Sundhya Raman - gives a case study of a T2 Diabetes patients success with Dietary Change. Discusses Micro-RNA, the Problems of Dairy, and the Power of Subjective and Objective Feedback in Patients Making Lifestyle Changes


Dr Sundhya Raman gives an example of a diabetic patient, with retinal damage, who was able to recover their vision, come off drugs, and normalise blood sugars, after adopting a Nutrition and Lifestyle first approach. Dr Raman also explains some of the new research around micro-RNA, prevalent in Dairy products, that suggests it regresses the activity of the pancreas in producing insulin and the benefits of removing dairy for diabetic patients.


(Lifestyle) Medicine that Works! - with Dr Tila Kansagra


Dr Tila Kansagra details her journey to becoming a certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner. Tila details her frustration treating patients conventionally and how her results, putting lifestyle front and centre, has hugely improved outcomes for her patients.

Dr Sundhya Raman - The Impact of Lifestyle in Managing and Reversing Chronic Health Conditions.


Dr Sundhya Raman discusses how she came into Lifestyle medicine, its broad implications in revolutionising the current healthcare paradigm. Sundhya outlines how 80% of current diseases are a consequence of Lifestyle choices such as what we eat. Learn how changing Lifestyle can dramatically  change the course of a Chronic disease diagnosis for the better.

Lutel James. CEO of Chapeltown Youth Development Centre - www.CFYDC.org.uk


Lutel and Arad joined us at Fever FM Studio's to talk about the work CFYDC have been doing for over 20 years. Providing kids with the opportunity to engage in various sports, music making and more CFYDC has been a pillar of the Chapeltown community. 

Lifestyle as Medicine - With Dr Alka Patel


Dr Alka Patel in casual conversation, discussing why modern medicines treatment of chronic disease doesn't represent healthcare, rather its sick care. 

Steve Hoey , CEO of Turning Lives Around - Homelesness Charity based in Leeds


Steve talks to Lokesh about the situation in Leeds of Homeless people and those facing Homelessness. The obstacles faced in getting out of Homelessness as well as the main causes in Leeds / West Yorkshire. Also how the general public can help!

Dr Greger Interview on Good Fat, Nutrient Absorption and how to run a mile, without running!


What is Good fat? What is the most common health promoting and health damaging food? How to absorb more nutrition from foods? Another fascinating Interview with, arguably, the Worlds leading mind when it comes to breaking down the scientific behind Nutrition.

Reversing Lupus and other Inflammatory Diseases with Dr Brooke Goldner and Lokesh


Dr. Brooke Goldner is a board-certified physician, the founder of GoodbyeLupus.com and a creator of the Hyper-Nourishing Nutrition Protocol for Lupus Reversal. Dr. Goldner is featured in the Journal of Disease Reversal for reversing lupus in herself, as well as multiple case studies in reversing end-stage lupus nephritis (kidney failure) with her hyper-nourishing nutrition protocol. She is the author of three bestselling books.

Dr Goldner explains a simple dietary approach, focussed on consumption of greens, to reversing and managing Lupus, Kidney disease and other inflammatory conditions.

Parenting Mental Health - with Suzanne Alderson


Suzanne speaks to Lokesh about her daughters depression at age 14. Being on suicide watch and the struggle to help her daughter through her Mental Health challenges. Suzanne also talks frankly about the limited support available and her setting up Parenting Mental Health, to ensure some support was available for Parents in similar circumstances.

Suhaiymah Manzoor Khan - Islamaphobia


Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan is a writer, poet and educator disrupting understandings of history, race, knowledge and violence. She works to equip herself and others with the tools and faith to resist the unliveable conditions we find ourselves in, and work towards another reality.

In 2019 Suhaiymah’s debut poetry collection Postcolonial Banter was published, featuring eight years worth of poetry including her viral poem This is Not a Humanising Poem which placed her as runner-up of the National Roundhouse Poetry Slam in 2017 and has over two million views online. Postcolonial Banter critiques and troubles narratives about racism, systemic Islamophobia, the function of the nation-state and secularist visions of identity.

Her latest book, Tangled in Terror: Uprooting Islamophobia was published with Pluto Press in 2022. The non-fiction work has been widely endorsed and is described as ‘our book’ by former Guantanamo Bay prisoner, Moazzam Begg, 'courageous' by rapper, Lowkey, 'one of the most exciting voices of her generation' by award-winning channel 4 journalist Fatima Manji, and 'fierce' by feminist activist Lola Olufemi. 

Suhaiymah’s poetry and prose has appeared across radio and TV stations. She has written for The Guardian, Independent, Al-Jazeera, and gal-dem, hosts the Breaking Binaries podcast (on hiatus), and has essays in multiple anti-racist anthologies including I Refuse To Condemn (2020) and Cut From The Same Cloth? (2021) as well as her co-authored debut work, A Fly Girl’s Guide to University: Being women of colour at Cambridge and other institutions of power and elitism (2019) which was written with Odelia Younge, Lola Olufemi and Audrey Sebatindira when the four were students at Cambridge.


Currently Suhaiymah is Writer in Residence at the Leeds Playhouse, and a Visiting Research Fellow in the School of Geography at Queen Mary University of London. She was selected for the Royal Court 2021 Writers Group and is currently under commission to Kiln theatre and Freedom Studios. Suhaiymah is also an active member of the Geographies of Embodiment (GEM) research collective and co-founder of abolitionist group and volunteer collective working in solidarity with Muslims in prison, The Nejma Collective.

Dr Michael Greger - Nutrition and Health


Each new drug or surgical procedure is often heralded with great fanfare, letting you and your doctor know about the ways it is a game-changer or a life-saver. Corporate budgets drive their promotion and marketing campaigns, but what about advances in the field of nutrition? We don’t see ads on TV for broccoli for the same reason groundbreaking research on the power of foods and eating patterns to affect our health and longevity gets lost and buried in the medical literature. Put very simply: There is no profit-driven motive. Healthful eating and nutrition research may not make anyone money, but what if our lives would profit?

Researchers have found a way of eating that may prevent, treat, and even reverse the progression of many of our deadliest diseases, including our number one killer, heart disease, as well as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Despite this, doctors get little, if any, formal nutrition training in medical school and often graduate without some of the most powerful tools available to stop the chronic diseases that remain our leading causes of death and disability.

We believe that a significant part of the problem is that individuals who want to make the best dietary choices for themselves and their families are faced with a deluge of confusing and conflicting nutritional advice. Our goal is to present you and your doctor with the results of the latest in peer-reviewed nutrition and health research presented in a way that is easy to understand.


Himadri Pareek, from Satvic Movement, discusses Healing and Diet - Part 1



Satvic Food Philosophy

The first step towards health is understanding what to eat. Eating healthy does not have to be complicated. It's so simple & easy! All we have to do is stop eating man-made products and get back to what Mother Nature designed us to eat - fruits, vegetables, greens, sprouts, nuts & seeds. 

Detoxification is as important as knowing what to eat. Most of us have many years of undigested waste sitting inside our bodies. When we eat processed, denatured food, it does not digest and exit from our body. It accumulates inside our intestines in the form of toxins.

The root cause of all chronic diseases - thyroid, PCOD, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease is the accumulation of toxins inside the body. If we want to permanently get rid of these diseases from the root, we must cleanse our body from inside.

Himadri Pareek, from Satvic Movement, discusses Healing and Diet - Part 2


Satvic Food Philosophy

The first step towards health is understanding what to eat. Eating healthy does not have to be complicated. It's so simple & easy! All we have to do is stop eating man-made products and get back to what Mother Nature designed us to eat - fruits, vegetables, greens, sprouts, nuts & seeds. 

Detoxification is as important as knowing what to eat. Most of us have many years of undigested waste sitting inside our bodies. When we eat processed, denatured food, it does not digest and exit from our body. It accumulates inside our intestines in the form of toxins.

The root cause of all chronic diseases - thyroid, PCOD, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease is the accumulation of toxins inside the body. If we want to permanently get rid of these diseases from the root, we must cleanse our body from inside.

Dr Toni Vernelli, Head of Communications at Veganuary explains, 'Why Vegan?'


Dr Toni Vernelli, Head of Communications at Veganuary, explains why hundreds of thousands of people in the UK sign up to the challenge, what the benefits are and what it entails.

Reversing & Managing Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease & Kidney Disease. Dr John McDougall meets Lokesh


Dr John McDougall (MD) is a Board Certified Internist and Specialist in Adult Medicine for over half a century. A National best-selling author and founder of the 'McDougall Program', which has helped thousands of people come of unnecessary medications, reverse and heal serious health problems such as Diabetes and High Blood Pressure, reducing their risk of Cancer, Heart Disease as well as learn why they get sick and how to get well. Dr John McDougall holds back little in explaining why there is such confusion amongst medical professionals, as to the role diet plays in disease and healing. How those of Asian and African descent are subject to bigotry in claims they are genetically weak, and provides a basis for understanding the discrepancy in the statistics. An eye opening interview worth watching for medical professionals and the (wo)man off the streets alike.

Knife Crime in Harehills. A Victim and Perpetrators perspective.


Lokesh is joined by Owen, from Tell Studio's, producing a documentary film about Knife crime, centred around the lived experience of Sarah (who lost her Son to knife crime 10 years ago) and Vilson (who spent time in detention as a perpetrator of knife crime).

Sarah and Vilson reflect upon why kids are carrying knives today, the impact of social media and a lost moral compass. Also how they've come together, with Tell studio's, to produce a documentary film with the working title, 'Cut Short', set for release in 2023. Cut Short will be freely available to schools and aims to make kids think again before making the 'big decision' to carry a knife.

You can contribute and follow their KickStarter campaign here:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tellstudio/cut-short-fighting-against-knives-in-the-north


Diabetes - in conversation with Woody Khan and Lokesh. A personal perspective. Pt.1


Lokesh speaks with Waheed Khan about his experience with Diabetes, what can be done, some of the confusion surrounding Insulin Resistance and the role of Carbohydrates, Fat and Protein (Macro Nutrients).

Diabetes - in conversation with Woody Khan and Lokesh. A personal perspective. Pt.2


Lokesh speaks with Waheed Khan about his experience with Diabetes, what can be done, some of the confusion surrounding Insulin Resistance and the role of Carbohydrates, Fat and Protein (Macro Nutrients).

How to be Mindful


Lokesh speaks with Tracey Nicholls, from Feel Good Factor / Leeds Hearing and Sight Loss Service. Tracey runs regular mindfulness sessions in the community often also collaborating with organisations such as Leeds Mindfulness Co-op. Tracey walks us through what mindfulness is, some simple techniques and how you can prticipate with local organisations.

Men and Mental Health. Lokesh speaks with Aulson Lawrence, from the Feel Good Factor, Leeds.


Aulson Lawrence brings together men from diverse backgrounds at the Feel Good Factor in Leeds. Talking about the challenges facing men and their mental health, with a focus on those from ethnic minorities. 

Better Thinking Interview - Part 2


This week Fatima spoke to Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Mahmood Khan about Thinking. Dr Khan is based in The Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust and he discusses how you can monitor your thinking patterns.

Better Thinking Interview - Part 1


This week Fatima spoke to Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Mahmood Khan about Thinking. Dr Khan is based in The Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust and he discusses how you can monitor your thinking patterns.

Alzheimer's Society Interview - Part 2


As part of The Together We Can Project, Fatima spoke to Anuja Jalota from Alzheimer's Society. They discuss what Alzheimer's is, what effects it can have on people and how you can get in contact.

Alzheimer's Society Interview - Part 1


As part of The Together We Can Project, Fatima spoke to Anuja Jalota from Alzheimer's Society. They discuss what Alzheimer's is, what effects it can have on people and how you can get in contact.

Fatima & Dr. Mahmood Khan - Sleeping Interview Part 2


Fatima spoke to Dr. Mahmood Khan who is a Consultant Psychiatrist from The Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust. 

Throughout the interview, they discuss the effects of lack of sleep, how we can achieve better sleep and hwo important it is to keep track and manage your sleeping patterns

Stay tuned during the next few weeks for the upcoming episode of this Mental Wellbeing Podcast Series.

Fatima & Dr. Mahmood Khan - Sleeping Interview Part 1


Fatima spoke to Dr. Mahmood Khan who is a Consultant Psychiatrist from The Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust. 

Throughout the interview, they discuss the effects of lack of sleep, how we can achieve better sleep and hwo important it is to keep track and manage your sleeping patterns

Stay tuned during the next few weeks for the upcoming episode of this Mental Wellbeing Podcast Series.

Fatima & Dr Mahmood Khan - Breathing Interview Part 2


Fatima spoke to Dr. Mahmood Khan who is a Consultant Psychiatrist from The Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust. 

Throughout the interview, they discuss how being aware of your breathing on a regular basis can improve your life. They also discuss various different Breathing teachniques and how you can incorperate it into your everyday routine.

Stay tuned during the next few weeks for the upcoming episode of this Mental Wellbeing Podcast Series.

Fatima & Dr Mahmood Khan - Breathing Interview Part 1


Fatima spoke to Dr. Mahmood Khan who is a Consultant Psychiatrist from The Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust. 

Throughout the interview, they discuss how being aware of your breathing on a regular basis can improve your life. They also discuss various different Breathing teachniques and how you can incorperate it into your everyday routine.

Stay tuned during the next few weeks for the upcoming episode of this Mental Wellbeing Podcast Series.

Fareeha Jay Speaks About Eating Healthy - Week 4


Throughout Ramadhan we spoke to @FareehaJay about Healthy Eating! Fareeha is registered Dietitian and Diabetes Specialist based in Plymouth. Fareeha will be speaking every Wednesday from 1-2pm throughout Ramadhan.

Fareeha Jay speaks about Eating Healthy - Week 3


Throughout Ramadhan we spoke to @FareehaJay about Healthy Eating! Fareeha is registered Dietitian and Diabetes Specialist based in Plymouth. Fareeha will be speaking every Wednesday from 1-2pm throughout Ramadhan.

Fareeha Jay speaks about Eating Healthy - Week 2


Throughout Ramadhan we spoke to @FareehaJay about Healthy Eating! Fareeha is registered Dietitian and Diabetes Specialist based in Plymouth. Fareeha will be speaking every Wednesday from 1-2pm throughout Ramadhan.

Fareeha Jay speaks about Eating Healthy - Week 1


Throughout Ramadhan we spoke to @FareehaJay about Healthy Eating! Fareeha is registered Dietitian and Diabetes Specialist based in Plymouth. Fareeha will be speaking every Wednesday from 1-2pm throughout Ramadhan.

Nusrat Kausar - Healthy Eating Interview Part 2


We recently spoke to @NusratkRD about how you can eat healthier throughout Ramadan. It was fantastic to speak to Nusrat and gain an insight into how we can improve our diets!

Nusrat Kausar - Healthy Eating Interview Part 1


We recently spoke to @NusratkRD about how you can eat healthier throughout Ramadan. It was fantastic to speak to Nusrat and gain an insight into how we can improve our diets!

Asian Blind Association Interview - Part 2


We recently spoke to Farhia & Natish from The Asian Blind Association. It was great to speak to Farhia & Natish about Vision & Blindness and what The ABA are doing to help people struggling with this.

Asian Blind Association Interview - Part 1


We recently spoke to Farhia & Natish from The Asian Blind Association. It was great to speak to Farhia & Natish about Vision & Blindness and what The ABA are doing to help people struggling with this.

Domestic Violence Interview - John James & Tamrez


As Part of The Together We Can Project, Tamrez spoke to John James who is the author of a book called From The Darkness. In the book, James shares his previous first hand experiences with Domestic Violence and where he managed to find help.

Rebecca Goshawk - Solace Women's Aid - Part 2


We recently spoke to Rebecca Goshawk from Solace Women's Aid. It was great to speak to Rebecca about Domestic Violence and what Solace Women's Aid are doing to tackle this very important issue.

Rebecca Goshawk - Solace Women's Aid - Part 1


We recently spoke to Rebecca Goshawk from Solace Women's Aid. It was great to speak to Rebecca about Domestic Violence and what Solace Women's Aid are doing to tackle this very important issue.

Kirandip Bhath - Hamara Centre - Part 2


We recently spoke to Kirandip Bhath from The Hamara Centre. It was great to speak to Kirandip about Domestic Violence and what Hamara Centre are doing to tackle this very important issue.

Kirandip Bhath - Hamara Centre - Part 1


We recently spoke to Kirandip Bhath from The Hamara Centre. It was great to speak to Kirandip about Domestic Violence and what Hamara Centre are doing to tackle this very important issue.

Behind Closed Doors - Ruth Davany - Part 2


As part of the Together We Can Project, in February we focussed on Domestic Violence. We spoke to Ruth Davany who is the CEO of Behind Closed Doors, Ruth spoke about what Behind Closed Doors are doing to help as many people they possibly can who are suffering from this issue.

Behind Closed Doors - Ruth Davany - Part 1


As part of the Together We Can Project, in February we focussed on Domestic Violence. We spoke to Ruth Davany who is the CEO of Behind Closed Doors, Ruth spoke about what Behind Closed Doors are doing to help as many people they possibly can who are suffering from this issue.

Bipolar UK - Mental Wellbeing - Simon Kitchen - Part 1


As part of the Together We Can Project, in January we focussed on Mental Wellbeing. We spoke to Simon Kitchen who is the CEO of Bipolar UK, Simon spoke about what Bipolar UK are doing to help as many people they possibly can who are suffering from this issue.

Bipolar UK Contact Details

Website - bipolaruk.org

Email - info@bipolaruk.org



As part of the Together We Can Project, in January we focussed on Mental Wellbeing. We spoke to Simon Kitchen who is the CEO of Bipolar UK, Simon spoke about what Bipolar UK are doing to help as many people they possibly can who are suffering from this issue.

Bipolar UK Contact Details

Website - bipolaruk.org

Email - info@bipolaruk.org

Five Ways - Mental Wellbeing - Ben - Part 1


We recently visited Five Ways - The Recovery Academy where they help individuals who have previously struggled with Addiction and Mental Wellbeing issues. Ben, who is a member of Five Ways discussed his previous experiences with this issue in this 1st part.


Five Ways Contact Details

Website - forwardleeds.co.uk/locations/five-ways-recovery-academy

Phone - 0113 887 2749

Email - 5ways@forwardleeds.co.uk



We recently visited Five Ways - The Recovery Academy where they help individuals who have previously struggled with Addiction and Mental Wellbeing issues. Ben, who is a member of Five Ways discussed his previous experiences with this issue in this 2nd part.


Five Ways Contact Details

Website - forwardleeds.co.uk/locations/five-ways-recovery-academy

Phone - 0113 887 2749

Email - 5ways@forwardleeds.co.uk



We recently visited Five Ways - The Recovery Academy where they help individuals who have previously struggled with Addiction and Mental Wellbeing issues. Justin, who is a member of Five Ways discussed his previous experiences with this issue in this 1st part.


Five Ways Contact Details

Website - forwardleeds.co.uk/locations/five-ways-recovery-academy

Phone - 0113 887 2749

Email - 5ways@forwardleeds.co.uk



We recently visited Five Ways - The Recovery Academy where they help individuals who have previously struggled with Addiction and Mental Wellbeing issues. Ben, who is a member of Five Ways discussed his previous experiences with this issue in this 1st part.


Five Ways Contact Details

Website - forwardleeds.co.uk/locations/five-ways-recovery-academy

Phone - 0113 887 2749

Email - 5ways@forwardleeds.co.uk

Headucate - Mental Wellbeing - Mark Newey - Part 1


As part of the Together We Can Project, in January we focussed on Mental Wellbeing. We spoke to Mark Newey from Headucate, Mark explains his story and shares his experiences with Mental Wellbeing and the types of stress that he had to handle. They also discuss Mental Wellbeing and what we can do to help improve our Mental Health.

Headucate Contact Details

Website - headucate.me

Phone - 0800 083 0143

Email - hello@headucate.me



As part of the Together We Can Project, in January we focussed on Mental Wellbeing. We spoke to Mark Newey from Headucate, Mark explains his story and shares his experiences with Mental Wellbeing and the types of stress that he had to handle. They also discuss Mental Wellbeing and what we can do to help improve our Mental Health.

Headucate Contact Details

Website - headucate.me

Phone - 0800 083 0143

Email - hello@headucate.me

Anxiety UK - Mental Wellbeing - Dave Smithson


As part of the Together We Can Project, in January we focussed on Mental Wellbeing. Our 2nd interview from the month of January, we spoke to Dave Smithson who is Operations Director at Anxiety UK. During this interview they discuss what Anixety UK do on a regular basis to help out as many people as they can, they also discuss what we can do to improve our Mental Wellbeing.

Anxiety UK Contact Details

Website - anxietyuk.org.uk

Phone - 03444 775 774

Emma - Forward Leeds - Mental Wellbeing - Part 1


As part of the Together We Can Project, in January we focussed on Mental Wellbeing. This is our first interview of the month with Emma from Forward Leeds. Throughout the interview, Tamrez speaks to Emma about the problems of Mental Health and what we can do to try and improve our general Mental Wellbeing.


Forward Leeds Contact Details

Website - forwardleeds.co.uk

Phone - 0113 887 2477



As part of the Together We Can Project, in January we focussed on Mental Wellbeing. This is our first interview of the month with Emma from Forward Leeds. Throughout the interview, Tamrez speaks to Emma about the problems of Mental Health and what we can do to try and improve our general Mental Wellbeing.


Forward Leeds Contact Details

Website - forwardleeds.co.uk

Phone - 0113 887 2477

Shakilla - Mentally Healthy Interview - Part 1


As part of The Together We Can project, we recently spoke to Shakilla from Touchstone. Tamrez speaks to Shakilla about being mentally healthy and what we can do to better our mental health and general wellbeing.

Alcohol & Drug Abuse Interview with Emma from Forward Leeds - Part 2


Tamrez speaks to Emma from Forward Leeds about Alcohol and Drug Abuse, what problems it can cause and what the after effects are. 

Alcohol & Drug Abuse Interview with Emma from Forward Leeds - Part 1


Tamrez speaks to Emma from Forward Leeds about Alcohol and Drug Abuse, what problems it can cause and what the after effects are.


Bonfire Night Interview with Jab, Wes Milnes, Simon Hartley and Claire Smith


Jabbar speaks to Wes Milnes, Simon Hartley and Claire Smith about Bonfire Night and how we can stay safe whilst enjoying fireworks and all other entertainment on the night.

ANAH Project Forced Marriage Interview - Part 2


As part of the Together We Can project, Tamrez speaks to Davina and 'Salma' from the ANAH Project about Forced Marriage.

'Salma' also shares her story of own personal experience of this issue.

[Pictured: Film: Yasmin, 2004 - Yasmin is a young woman of Pakistani origin living in norther England]

ANAH Project - Forced Marriage Interview - Part 1


As part of the Together We Can project, Tamrez speaks to Davina and 'Salma' from the ANAH Project about Forced Marriage.

'Salma' also shares her story of own personal experience of this issue.

[Pictured: Film: Yasmin, 2004 - Yasmin is a young woman of Pakistani origin living in norther England]


Anil Bharath speaks to The Magnificent Four


Anil speaks to The Magnificent Four about their upcoming show at The Leeds First Direct Arena.

Heather speaks to Margaret Conroy


This week as part of the Together We Can project, Heather speaks to Margaret Conroy about Domestic Violence on Older People. Margaret is currently a nurse and is studying a PhD in Women's Studies at Lancaster University.

Nusrat Kausar - Diabetes Interview - Part 2


As part of the Together We Can project, we recently received a visit from our very own Lord Mayor of Leeds Cllr Asghar Khan. Jabbar spoke to the Lord Mayor about the various topics the Together We Can project covers and what our aims and ambitions are with the project.

Nusrat Kausar - Diabetes Interview - Part 1


As part of the Together We Can project, we recently received a visit from our very own Lord Mayor of Leeds Cllr Asghar Khan. Jabbar spoke to the Lord Mayor about the various topics the Together We Can project covers and what our aims and ambitions are with the project.

Lord Mayor - Cllr Asghar Khan visits Fever FM - Part 3


As part of the Together We Can project, we recently received a visit from our very own Lord Mayor of Leeds Cllr Asghar Khan. Jabbar spoke to the Lord Mayor about the various topics the Together We Can project covers and what our aims and ambitions are with the project.

Lord Mayor - Cllr Asghar Khan - Part 2


As part of the Together We Can project, we recently received a visit from our very own Lord Mayor of Leeds Cllr Asghar Khan. Jabbar spoke to the Lord Mayor about the various topics the Together We Can project covers and what our aims and ambitions are with the project.

Lord Mayor - Cllr Asghar Khan visits Fever FM


As part of the Together We Can project, we recently received a visit from our very own Lord Mayor of Leeds Cllr Asghar Khan. Jabbar spoke to the Lord Mayor about the various topics the Together We Can project covers and what our aims and ambitions are with the project.

I Will Trainees Speak to Luv Randhawa on The Imrano Show


Luv Randhawa live from Canada talking new music and inspiring the young people 

I Will Trainees Speak to Farah Ahmad Khan & Balraj Singh Samrai on The Imrano Show


Planet People Power - I Will Trainees Speak to Farah Ahmad Khan & Balraj Singh Samrai 


David Austin from BBFC Interview


This week on the Together We Can Project, Heather speaks to David from the BBFC which is a company that specialises in age certifications for films. David speaks about the processes of certifying films to ensure the production is to be viewed by the intended audience.

Heather speaks to Nathan from Chilton Chiropractic


This week on The Together We Can Project, Heather speaks to Nathan from Chilton Chiropractic who are based in Castle Donington in Derby. Nathan speaks about how we can improve the general health of our back and what changes can be made to decrease the chances of having back-related problems in the future.

Tamrez speaks to Qari Asim - Part 2


Tamrez speaks to Qari Asim MBE who is a Imam at Leeds Makkah Masjid. Qari speaks to Tamrez about Child Sexual Exploitation in religion.

Tamrez speaks to Qari Asim - Part 1


Tamrez speaks to Qari Asim MBE who is a Imam at Leeds Makkah Masjid. Qari speaks to Tamrez about Child Sexual Exploitation in religion.

Free Uniforms with Tracy Morgan


Tamrez Khan interviews Tracy Morgan to speak about the Leeds Uniform Exchange.  

Mark Newey - Going back to school


Returning to school after Covid-19 lockdown can be a difficult experience for children whose routines have been disrupted by the pandemic. While some children may be eager to return to their old routine, others may need help to adjust.  We have Mark Newey with us again from an organisation called Headucate.  Mark will be able to give us advice on how to support our children and make the transition as stress-free as possible.


Ansa Ahmad - Child Bereavement


Ansa Ahmad is the founder of the HOPE Bearevement Support which began in 2013 when Ansa realised that there needed to be a place of safety and inclusion for all mothers who have lost a baby. 

Qari Asim MBE - Religious Extremism


Qari Asim MBE is a Iman at Leeds Makkah Mosque which has won the award for being the UK's Model Mosque. In this interview he speaks about Religious Extremism and how we can hopefully overcome it.

Qari Asim - Islamophobia Interview


This week we are honoured to have Qari Asim MBE, a leading Imam at Leeds Makkah Mosque, discussing Islamophobia

Leeds Girls Can with Louise Walker


Gill speaks to Louise Walker. Lousie is a project manager of the Leeds Girls Can National Campaign with Leeds City Council who support and inspire girls to become active.

The Youth Engagement Project with Taf Mohammed


Gill speaks to Taf Mohammed. Taf is a part of the Youth Engagement Project whose aim is to educate young people about the effects of serious crime and violence in the local areas. The project date of 10th February coincides with the fatal stabbing of Iffy Wahid - a 16 year old who was stabbed in broad daylight.

Go Higher Trainees - Drama


A story about a young student whos heading to University. But her father is hoping she gets a place in they home city of Leeds. Find out what happends  

Ehjaz Hussain - Disabilities during the pandemic


Fever FM brings you yet another interview! This time it's with Ehjaz Hussain who was born without hands and feet and still manages to lead a full life. I'm sure you'll find Ehjaz very inspiring. 

Arfan Hanif - Vaccine Safety


In this interview our very own Gill, Arfan Hanif from Touchstone speaks about vaccine safety and expells any myths that you may or may not have heard about the new COVID-19 vaccines.

Imrano talks to Hussnain Lahori about the down side of social media


Hussnain Lahori is a British singer, songwriter and a music producer. He was always surrounded by music as his late grandfather, Akbar Lahori was a renowned poet and composer in the 70s and 80s. Some of his songs made their way to Bollywood including 'tujhe yaad na meri aai' from the film 'kuch kuch hota hai'.  Imarano talks to him, on behalf of the Together We Can Project, about the down side of social media.

Arfan Hanif - Mental Wellbeing Interview


In this interview, Gill speaks to Arfan Hanif who is an Operations Director at Touchstone. Touchstone is a mental health organisation who help people who are struggling with their mental wellbeing. 

Anti-social behaviour with Paul Money


Gill interviews, Paul Money. Paul works for the local police and speaks to us about anti-social behaviour and the measures that are being taken to combat these issues.

Disability during a pandemic with Ade Adepitan


Gill discusses with the BBC's Ade Adepitan on how the current pandemic has effected people with various disabilities. Ade is also wheelchair basketball player who has played highest level.

Fred Winster - Local Policing Issues Interview


In this interview, Gill speaks to Fred Winster. Fred is a local Police Seargeant for Harehills and surrounding areas. He speaks about how local crime is being tackled and what we (the public) can do to help.

Gill Interviews Richard Burgon


Gill speaks to Richard Burgon about our local community of Harehills and explains what he is doing to help our community during this worldwide pandemic.

Gill Interviews Sair Khan


In this interview Gill speaks to Coronation Street star Sair Khan, They discuss the issues of social media and the effects that it can have on people. 

Apache Indian - Imrano Show & Go Higher Trainees


Imrano & Go Higher trainees talk to Apache Indian about the new album, where it all started, the culture, industry, education and much much more. 

DJ Kam & Gill Speak about Bullying


In this interview, Gill & DJ Kam speak about bullying and the effects that it can have on people.

Kam & Tamrez Speak About Bullying (Urdu Version)


In this interview, Tamrez & DJ Kam speak about bullying and the effects that it can have on people.

Karma Nirvana with Anup Manota


In this interview Gill speaks to Anup Manota to find out about Karma Nirvana. Karma Nirvana aim to help communities and individuals who have been victims of both forced marriages and honour-based abuse. 

Interviewing Alison Plant


Gill interviews Alison Plant. Alison is a pilates instructor, she speaks about the physical and mental benefits of Piliates. Pilates is also a fantastic way of staying active throughout lockdown. 

Debt with Clare Seal


 Gill speaks to Clare Seal. Clare is an author and blogger who talks about getting herself out of £27k debt. 

Benefits of Yoga with Sue from SJC Yoga


Sue details her journey into Yoga over 3 decades. Talking about the many benefits for mind and body, from her own experience and with her clients. An introduction and overview of Yoga

Ravi Sandhu from Pungra Fit


Ravi explains his journey so far, with millions of views on his 'Learn how to do Pungra' (not Bhangra) videos, interest from Sport England and his wish to improve the physical and mental well-being for all. Whilst dancing to Pungra!

Asian women have long been identified as the least active group in the UK. Pungra is flipping the script with a fun, connected way to get fit and dance to Pungra at the same time. 

Ravi, as part of his recovering from illness as a youth, changed his diet and starting exercising more. Here he explains how he went from suffering in silence, to having boundless, all day energy.

Learn how you can join the Pungra revolution, become an activator and support your friends, family and community too.

Impact Gamers - with Founder and Programme Lead, Adam Syrop


How computers and gaming can change young lives for the better. Adam explains how bringing kids together, from all backgrounds. Helping them to make games, rather than just playing them. Can bring so much more, than simply computing skills, into their lives. 

Beneficiaries of the Safer Communities fund, Adam also discusses a new project aimed at keeping kids out of Crime.

CEO Shantona Womens and Family Centre - Nahid Rasool


Based in the heart of Leeds. Shantona provide services to people from BAME backgrounds (not White English communities). Nahid discusses the challenges impacting people, women and families of colour.

Lokesh - Nik Peasgood - "Leeds Women's Aid"


CEO of Leeds Womens Aid. Nik brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience of issues impacting Women throughout West Yorkshire and during the Pandemic.

Find out how Leeds Womens Aid, contribute toward Safer Communities and provide a vital resource for Women in West Yorkshire. 

Chief Inspector Bashir Anwar - Police Recruitment


Discussing how the police force has chnaged over several decades. The role of Black and Asian officers and the current drive to encourage recruitment from BAME peoples.

Mark Burns-Williamson - West Yorkshire Police Crime Commissioner


Discussing the Safer Communities Project being delivered through the West Yorkshire Police Crime Commissioner's office. 


Domestic Abuse and Violence - Leeds womens Aid and Shantona Women's and Family Centre


CEO's Nik Peasgood and Nahid Rasool, join us to discuss the current state of Domestic Violence and Abuse in Leeds / West Yorkshire and the Support aviable to Women and Families.

Liz from GM Freeze, the UK’s umbrella campaign on Genetically Modified food, crops and patents.


What is the current state of Geneticaly Modified foods in the UK. what are the consumer rights and what is our current direction. An important topic impacting every citizen of the UK.

Chapel Allerton Spaces (CA Spaces) - Street Art and improving Neighbourhoods


Sarah (Founder) and Ekaterina (artist) from CA Spaces, discussing how they've brought street art to Chapel Allerton. The value for the residents as well as the artists.

Dr Mo Sattar & John Walsh


Dr Mo Sattar & John Walsh

Dr Mo Sattar & John Walsh Part 2


Dr Mo Sattar & John Walsh Part 2

Mr Q - Domestic Violence Segment PART 1


Mr Q - Domestic Violence Segment PART 1

Mr Q - Domestic Violence Segment PART 2


Mr Q - Domestic Violence Segment PART 2

Dr Mo Sattar


CoronaVirus - Dr Mo Sattar with guest Dr Bharat Punkhania.  

Gambling Helpline


Mr Q with Gambling helpline officers.  

Dr Mo Sattar & Jean


Dr Mo Sattar and Jean produced a wonderful interview on the airwaves. Discussing her battle with breast cancer not once but twice. Jean you are a star and a role model!

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