What’s On at Feel Good Factor January 2025
53 Louis Street, Chapeltown, Leeds, LS7 4BP
0113 350 4200
E-mail: office@fgfleeds.org
Coffee and Toast Friendship Club
Fridays 11.00am - 2.00pm at FGF. Free tea and coffee, toast and snacks.
Come and read a book, do some crafts or just relax, Guest speakers will be dropping in on these sessions with information on various topics:
17th January—Illegal Money Lending Team Leeds
Relaxing Yoga session for Health and Wellbeing
Fridays 11.30am -12.30pm. 17th & 31st January, 7th & 21st February at FGF. Participants can be chair based or standing. Cost £2.
Places limited. Booking Essential.
Volunteering opportunities at FGF
Are you looking for something exciting and interesting to do that gives back to the community? Come and volunteer at FGF.
For information contact Narinder Panesar
07702 869454 narinder@fgfleeds.org
Ladies Cardio Vascular Exercise
Starting Wednesday 22nd January 11.00am - 12.00 noon at Sikh Temple 192 Chapeltown Road LS7 4HZ. A ladies fun cardio exercise class. In partnership with Yorkshire Cricket Foundation.
Back to Cycling with British Cycling
Sessions re-start on Wednesday 5th February 12 noon - 2pm at Potternewton Park, LS7 4HA. Meet at Harehills Avenue entrance. These sessions are open to all adults whether a total novice or training to do the Tour De France. We are looking forward to welcoming regular and new people to this group.
Half Term Family Fun
Tuesday 18th February we are holding a family cycling session in partnership with British Cycling. This will be at Potternewton Park between 11am-2pm. Please bring your bikes if you have one or you can borrow one from us.
Trip to Yorkshire Dales for young people
Monday 17th February trip to the Yorkshire Dales by train for young people over 8 who have not been to the Yorkshire Dales before. Bring your own lunch.
Cost £5.
For more information contact Beverley.
Wednesday 26th February Leaving FGF at 10.00 am arriving back at 12.00 noon at Big Depot Climbing Centre Leeds. Reach new heights with this introduction to climbing. Booking essential.
Exciting New After School Club After School Cycling session (Term time only)
Commencing Tuesday 4th March 16.00pm - 17.00pm at Potternewton Park, LS7 4HA.
Bring your own bike or you borrow one! Come along and join the fun.
For more information contact Beverley Gilbert
07702 869457
Sewing Group
Thursdays 1.00pm - 3.30pm at FGF. Intermediate class for those that have a basic understanding of sewing and are ready to take their skills further.
Cost £5.
Knit and Natter Group
Wednesdays 12.30pm - 3.30pm at FGF. All levels of knitter’s welcome.
Cost £1
Gardening Group
Help tend the FGF Community Garden. Make new friends and grow your gardening skills. FGF garden, Wednesday’s 10am -12 noon.
For more information contact Soo Taylor
07702 869453 soo@fgfleeds.org
Arts and Crafts Group
Fridays 10am - 12.00 noon at FGF
FGF Choir
Fridays 10-11am at FGF
Book Club
Every fortnight 1.30pm –2.30pm at FGF commencing 17th January at FGF.
Saturday Social Group
Saturday 10am-1pm at Holy Rosary Church (Parish of Mother of Unfailing Help), Louis Street, LS7 4BZ. A social group for anyone wanting to meet new friends, learn new things and have fun!
Women’s Swimming
Every Wednesday 10.30am - 11.30am at Quarry House, Leeds LS2 7UA.
Cost £3.
Booking Essential.
For information contact Shabana Kosar
07523 515267
Connect Men’s Group
Tuesdays 11.30am - 1.30pm at Thackray Museum Small Core Room, Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7LN. A fun mixed group of men with banter, quizzes & discussions on relevant topics.
Thursdays 11.30am -1.30pm at FGF. A group for Black & south Asian men to come and seek information with a cultural aspect of living in our community.
Real Connect Men’s Health & Wellbeing Group
Fridays 6.00pm - 8.00pm at FGF. To reduce social isolation and improve physical and mental wellbeing.
For information contact Aulson Lawrence
07593 436608
Sensory Services at FGF
Supporting Leeds residents 16+ who are deaf, hard of hearing, sight impaired, severely sight impaired or deaf blind. Have a 1-2-1 chat over a cuppa with Tracey about your eyes and ears. Lots of free stuff.
For information contact Tracey Nicholls
07523 515266