Anti-Bullying Competition - WINNER: FATEMA UDDIN


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This is a form of bullying for sure!

By Noor | Posted on: 02/12/2024

This is definitely bullying

By Fiaz Saddique | Posted on: 02/12/2024

Definitely bullying....

By fiaz Saddique | Posted on: 02/12/2024

I have seen the video and this is bullying. It’s like making fun out of someone for their choices

By Farzana | Posted on: 02/12/2024

Yes, this is definitely not banter and is bullying. Jokes that make a person feel insecure or uncomfortable is not banter and should not be normalised.

By Haleema | Posted on: 02/12/2024

I think it's clear bullying,

By Filza Naseem | Posted on: 02/12/2024

This is a form of bullying. Even though we have fun with work colleagues, we must be mindful of their feelings and the things we say to one another.

By Ikra | Posted on: 02/12/2024

Yes having looked at the video i would definitely class this as bullying!

By Tarqiq Saodi | Posted on: 02/12/2024

I know it’s staged/acted out (great acting btw😂)but..
This Anti-Bullying video is NOT banter
This is Bullying

Please Please Show/Teach Respect Always

By Mani Bhai Scotland | Posted on: 02/12/2024

a strong sign of bullying. jab need to smile and and be more less nervous on screen like he is on air.

By ajay | Posted on: 02/12/2024

Yes having looked at the video there are clear signs of bullying and upsetting behaviour :(

By Taslema Islam | Posted on: 02/12/2024

Yes he is being bullied in the video

By Fatema uddin | Posted on: 02/12/2024

Ye bullying hai

By Raja Asim | Posted on: 02/12/2024

Mr Woody is being bullied in this video

By Sobia from Birnifgam | Posted on: 30/11/2024

Dear my lovely DJ's and radio presenter as you i love you so much so after watching that video which you not decided its a banter or bullying, i can defined in my funny words, (please take as a humour i dont want to emabraced or insulting anyone, and if you dont like it please forgive me like you did for your little brothers and sister) HUMKA MAAFI DEDOO

"In the office cafeteria, Mr. Woody sat down with his trusty bowl of salad, dreaming of his slimmer days. Enter Miss Sophia, holding a burger menu she hadn’t even committed to yet.

"Woody," she teased, "you know, as much salad as you eat, you’re never going to get slim. Seriously, ditch the grass and join me for a burger from the corner shop—it’s so tempting!" She mimed the sizzle of a patty on the grill while a waterfall of enthusiasm practically poured from her mouth. "Face it, Woody. You’re just made for burgers."

Poor Mr. Woody blinked in confusion, fork frozen mid-air, as if reconsidering his entire salad life philosophy.

But the plot thickened. Miss Palawee, the vigilant office observer, caught wind of Sophia’s antics. Marching over, she pointed her finger at Sophia and declared, “You can’t bully Mr. Woody over his salad! And FYI, it doesn’t matter if you eat salad, burgers, or an entire pizza—you’ll still look like Humpty Dumpty forever!”

The cafeteria went silent. Even the vending machine seemed to stop humming in disbelief.

Enter the big boss, Mr. Jabbar, dramatically sipping his coffee as if he were auditioning for a leadership reality show. “Enough!” he boomed. “Bullying is unacceptable! If someone wants to eat salad, they eat salad. If they want a burger, they eat a burger. And if they want to dream big, they dream big!” He adjusted his tie and added with authority, “And remember, I’m the Boss Baby.”

Everyone dispersed, but not before Miss Sophia quietly slipped out to actually buy the burger she’d been hyping all along.

By Ranoo Manoo | Posted on: 27/11/2024

In the video, i believe some statement is bullying and some she said in a fun. When she approached him and said ‘how many salad you gonna have’ that is personal and it clearly seen that the person eating did not appreciate that. When the person said k want to be healthy and she said ‘ this is all perception that healthy means being slim or skinnier ‘ i think that is a good statement as that can be construed as appreating whatever your body type is and do not believe that others are better than you and you have to be like them. She may actually be appreciating him that you are good the way you are. Later the person did not enjoy the conversation where she asked him to get a burger so he stood up and walked to his desk. So, i believe she behaved in both ways, i must say ‘ unknowingly been a bully’ but also she wanted to have some lighter moments with her colleague.
That’s my views on the video, thanks

By Mukesh Tanwar | Posted on: 27/11/2024

Respect everyone because everyone is different on work place U work as a team don't bully anyone because it's not good for them it's lose their confidence and he fell that is not like them and everyone has their own quality

By Sunaila | Posted on: 27/11/2024

Everyone has their own respect don't underestimate anyone because everyone is different and their quality's r different on work place respect everyone because U work as a team and U spend lots of time with them

By Sunaila | Posted on: 27/11/2024

It's a form of bullying

By Aamir Mushtaq | Posted on: 25/11/2024

This is bullying disguised as banter in the workplace - dismissing what someone is doing or poking fun at what someone wants to achieve for themselves (in this case healthier eating) is still bullying and is hurtful mentally and emotionally.

By Yusuf | Posted on: 23/11/2024

This video is about bullying

By Haider ali | Posted on: 21/11/2024

I would definitely class this as Bullying, this is something that should be stamped out from schools, work places etc

By Molik Miah | Posted on: 21/11/2024

There is nothing funny in this, it is a form of bullying, bullying doesn’t have to be physical, it can be physical or mental,

By Imran Ali | Posted on: 21/11/2024

This is definitely bullying

By Saheed nawaz | Posted on: 21/11/2024

Nice visual way to get a very important message across, thank you Fever radio for addressing these issues and being the voice of the community.

By Ghazali | Posted on: 21/11/2024

We should respect each other, everybody is different and has different views, we should learn to live in peace and harmony.

By Sobia nawaz | Posted on: 21/11/2024

Great little video, well done Fever radio, keep up the good work

By Mohammed Hussain | Posted on: 20/11/2024

I would class this as bullying, as you can see that woody ji is upset.

By Shreya | Posted on: 19/11/2024